We are Agent Rising!

Our goal is to ELEVATE All Real Estate Professionals

TOGETHER WE RISE (Instagram Post (Square)) (2)


All PreLicensing Classes are available at

$50 per month!

  • Amazing knowledge and support from experienced instructors
  •  New engaging online PROGRAMS
  • Independent Showcase  and REACH learning always available on YOUR time
  • Fantastic community of students!
  • Great Success Rates on All Programs!
  • Suite of Enhanced Services Available including:

~Real Estate is PERSONAL!~


Don't let the "Online" fool you...

We customize your experience according to your learning and training goals!

We care personally about YOUR success!

Reserve your 20 minute  private strategy session zoom call. 


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Agent Rising review

Would you like to be featured in our testimonial section? We would LOVE for you to share your experience with all! Simply click  to leave a review!

Our goal is to elevate all of our students/clients and your feedback will help others decide if we can help them too!

WE are so grateful for you and your business. We grow and expand services because of you!


    “They did a great job of fitting 40 hours of material in 4 days. I enjoyed taking the practice quizzes on quiz banks. Great class.”


    “Kate was able to take a dry, dull subject and make it interesting. I enjoyed learning how to become the best Real Estate agent.”


    “The 40 hr class at first seemed daunting. Kate made us feel so comfortable which made time fly. It was versatile/energetic.”


    “A great company. All the agents seemed nice and offering to help. The class was fun. I enjoyed all the real examples Kate shared.”


    “Great class. Kate does an incredible job holding your attention, even with a 10 hour class day schedule. No dull moments.”


    “The instructor kept us engaged and made the dense material doable. I loved everything about the course.”

Scholarshare Program

Earn a FREE, Online Course. Awarded Monthly.

Have you always wanted to go into Real Estate but didn’t know what steps to take to get there or faced obstacles that prevented you from pursuing your goal?

We select a deserving winner every month to take the SOAR Online Real Estate Class for FREE, valued at $350. 

This scholarship is awarded each month. You can reapply if not selected for the current month.

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Awesome Affiliate!

Want an easy way to earn yourself a little extra cash and be part of AgentRising?  We give back!

Enroll in the Agent Rising Awesome Affiliate Program to get yourself started.

You receive 30% of the net proceeds of who you refer to our programs through your special affiliate link.

Click the button below to find out how you can become an Awesome Agent Rising Affiliate today!

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