Develop a Taste for Technology

tech gadgetsEven new agents can find themselves with not enough time on their hands to do everything that needs to be done. In their case it isn't because they have so many clients, it's because they are doing everything themselves, step by step. This is where technology comes in and can actually become your unpaid assistant - although there may be some cost involved. For Realtors, earning the ePro designation is a great way to get you up to speed. But, everyone can learn if they start slowly with the basics, get comfortable with one tool at a time and keep plugging away. You might want to start with your cell phone, does it do what you need it to do? Do you have a laptop or ipad? Are you using it to its fullest potential? What software might work for you? It can be confusing at first, but we can help. For tips and advice on technology check out our technology scorecards or contact us!

Review your tech habits and commit to becoming tech savvy - it really is essential and now is the time to do it. Make a list of the technology that you are currently using, including social media. Objectively, rate yourself on your expertise in each area. Make a plan on where to start upgrading your hardware, software and user knowledge. Tackle one item at a time and get tech savvy!



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