Beyond BOLD Newsletter~ Did you get your copy?!

Dear Kate,
'Beyond Bold' Founders Kate and Craig
Time to catch up!

I want to let you know about some wonderful opportunities and developments in the whole Real Estate Arena! What an exciting time to be involved in the Real Estate business, whether by helping you list or buy a home, involving you in our media co-venture, or helping you tackle iPads and Web Development. We are there, with our fingers on the pulse of the industry.

Please look over our articles that let you know how we can serve you. Our goal has always started with the end in mind, and that is helping serve you how you specifically need it. Our mission is to uncover that particular individual situation and work toward a solution from there. We call it the Platinum Rule instead of the Golden Rule...
. "Treat people the way that THEY want to be treated!"
What about you? What is your specific need or interest? How can we help? Please let us know!
We are here for YOU!
Click to visit
Watch this quick video to hear about Agent Rising~ and why I feel every Real Estate Professional could benefit from joining. FREE Membership Awaits YOU!CLICK FOR VIDEO ! Lots of exciting changes in our industry!
Beyond BOLD Media
31 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA Full Service Media
Media Group
This is beyond cool! While developing the Agent Rising Online Training and Resources, and optimizing BOLD Moves Real Estate to be on the cutting edge of the industry, we constructed a full out Media Studio. As people saw it, they began asking if we could help them with their internet and media needs. So, we opened up our specialization to include all aspects of Media Production. Craig Hebert of 7xStudios is our fearless, talented and innovative leader. Please stop by and meet Craig!
PRELICENSING STARTS MONDAY MARCH 18 AT 5 PM...ENROLL NOW! Imagine a Real Estate Prelicensing Class that utilizes iPads, exercise bikes, videos, audios, study workshops and personalized study. That would be us!We learned that the sooner you can immerse yourself in your 40 hours, the better chance you have of taking and passing the exam.Please click below for enrollment....$397 includes your materials and your ticket to success! Buy Now
In This Issue
BOLD Moves Real Estate
Happy Anniversary!
Milestones for BOLD Moves Real Estate
Tap or click to visit website.

We launched BOLD Moves Real Estate in 2006, right as the economy took a downward turn. Our product to you was "Fee for Service, Full Service and Beyond Full Service". You liked what we offered! We have grown each year into a multi- million dollar producing company. More importantly to us, we have been able to offer 25+ REALTORS a profession with a Real Estate School and training, and service to thousands of clients.We began 7 years ago in Rochester, opened at 416 Huttleston Ave, Fairhaven 3 years ago, and we are now enjoying the Grand Opening of our Co-Venture Companies' Office at 31 Center Street, Fairhaven, We call this Beyond BOLD. Please stop by or visit any of our locations and see why we continue to be BOLD and On the RISE!
Kate Lanagan MacGregor 508-728-3648

Our Non Profit Foundation that helps those get back on their feet; whether by furnishing their new home or apartment, free life and business recovery coaching or 'Get a Job' Skills, has an immediate need for furniture and professional clothing!
Please contact Kate to donate!
508-728-3648. Call or text
Jim Lanagan and Kate
Dad Jim Lanagan
Many of you know that I was involved in a car accident on January 24, and fractured a vertebrae in my back!I have been in a back brace and slowly regaining speed at work. We wanted to launch Agent Rising and Beyond Bold in February and had started promotions in January. Fate had something else in mind! We have been creating wonderful content and 'scorecards' for Agent Rising, and we are ready for you!

Thank you all for your patience and we hope that the lessons learned through the process will make this opportunity to serve you all the better! I know it profoundly impacted me!

Make the most of each minute you have! ~Kate Lanagan MacGregor Inspiring You to find your Vision and Be on the RISE!



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