Give Without Expectation!

Is this a good business strategy?

While there are consumers who hire agents strictly based on their numbers, the majority want to respect and like their agent as well.

Whether you have always been a giving person by nature, or you want to become one as part of the new personal and professional you, go for it!  Think about it.  When you go to hire any type of professional, your first step is to think about whether there is anyone that you know personally and, perhaps admire a little, who could do this for you.  If there is someone, the trust and respect factor go a very long way in your decision on who to hire.  This applies to all sorts of professionals from your barber to your lawyer. So, open up to the world. 

Help out whenever you can with no expectation of outcome You will feel immediate gratification, guaranteed! That gratification will be reflected in everything else that you do and people will notice.  Will it increase your business?  Who knows.  It definitely will increase your self esteem, make you happier and you will project that to the world.  Nothing bad can come of that, and maybe some good will.
Give without expectation Find a way.  Whether you shovel an elderly neighbor's front walk, pick up the litter on your street, help out at a soup kitchen or donate your time to a local charity, just do it!



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