First Impressions are Important!

futurecreateThe Seven First Impressions You Make

1. Your bio/intro/ application/resume.  Have a professional picture taken and have someone proof it.  This letter should be in your CMA

2. Your Social Self: Your emails should have a clean signature that is on all of them.  GMail can come from business email address.  Spell check.  Complete sentences. Always a thank you.  Is Your Facebook a good impression?  People check this and references always.  Google Yourself.  Do you like what you find?

3. Your Vehicle:  Is it Clean and Organized?

4. Your Appearance:  Plan on running into a client wherever you go.  "If a person is poorly dressed, you notice the clothing: but if they are impeccably dressed, you notice the person."  Are the clothes you are  wearing projecting the message you want to send?  What does your briefcase/bag say?

5. Carriage of Self.  Your ABC's :    Attitude, body language and congruence.  In face to face communication, people give the most credibility to what they see, next to voice tone, and least to the words they are hearing.  If your words and body language aren't saying the same thing, people are apt to get confused.

6. Your Handshake:  when you shake hands, people make immediate judgements about your character and level of confidence.  A handshake should be firm, quick, and respectful.  Hard, but not too hard, definitely not too soft.  Err on the hard side.  Consider the 2-handed handshake, where you are touching their forearm with your other hand.

7.  Your followup:   thank You note/ small gift. Send out Cards.  An unexpected card or gift is one of the most powerful and unforgettable actions you can take.

Please contact us at for more ideas and ways to get your real estate business off the ground.  508-997-8844

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