Tips for Managing Your Time in Real Estate

Picture26There are many tips for managing your time in real estate. Real estate agents spend a lot of time on support activities which include: prospecting, lead follow-up, taking listings and making sales. You can't avoid these activities which support your career but you can try to handle them more efficiently and with less time.

One helpful tip is to try to chunk the time. MLS searches, filing, faxing, copying and clouding are some tasks you can try to do in one session at a certain day of the week instead of constant interruptions of your day. Keep a list of what needs to be done and set aside a certain amount of time one day a week to tackle.

Also block a certain amount of time each day to search the web and do other web-related activities. Keep a time limit so you don't become too distracted on unimportant activities.

Pick a certain time of day for prospecting by writing thank-you notes and sending out pop-bys . This will keep you at the forefront of your clients' mind.

Another good tip is to give a quick call to your active clients and listings on a certain day each week. Even if you don't have anything new to report, at least they know you are keeping them informed and on the job. A "just checking in" call is always appreciated.

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