Join our BOLD Day Challenge!

bold-day-challenge-card It's official! The BOLD Day Challenge launched on January 1st and we're off to a great start! What is the BOLD Day Challenge you ask? It is a One thank you note per day initiative to bring gratitude front and center. There are many professional and personal reasons to write thank you notes, and we are laying it down!

Gratitude Marketing is not new. News organizations as Huffington Post, Inc., Forbes, and Inman news regularly feature articles on the benefits of and how to write a personal note. We included experts from these articles at the end of this book.

 Here are some statistics provided by The American Marketing Association:

 American Marketing Association- Indicates that adding the practice of showing sincere and personal gratitude to your customer relations process makes a big difference in business revenues by: 
  • converting potential customers to your clients
  • keeping clients loyal for future sales
  • encouraging clients to refer more customers to you.
  • the clients performing, consciously or subconsciously,Gratitude Related Reciprocal Behaviors
We've received some great feedback so far! Those writing the cards feel like they are spending more time connecting with others, paying attention to what they're doing throughout the day and showing gratitude for it! Those receiving the cards are feeling special and appreciated that someone else is taking time out of their day to write a note!

 Don't wait! Visit to learn more and join the movement! 



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