Realtor Loyalty Program!

Did you know 50% of all septic system inspections fail??
What does this mean for you and your seller?Sellers need to address this issue prior to putting their house on the market, or at least within the first few weeks. A house will sell much quicker with a Title 5 Certificate of Compliance and be much more attractive to buyers.
What happens if your septic system fails Title 5? Now is the time to address the issues with either a repair or installation of a new septic. Many buyers will be unable to purchase a home with a failed septic and this limits their scope. Encouraging your sellers to take care of the situation prior to putting their house on the market will mean a better selling price in the end.
Turn to us, your septic experts, for all of the answers Septic Preservation and All Clear Septic Services joined forces to become your foremost resource providing comprehensive and quality septic services from start to finish.
Providing Residential and Commercial:
• MA Title 5 Inspections • Small and large repairs • Full system replacement • Engineering soil evaluation, perc testing • Preservation and remediation
We acknowledge and appreciate the referrals we get from out REALTOR® professionals! Nurturing a strong relationship between REALTORS ® and the septic professionals creates a winning combination for all sellers.
To thank you for your referrals, we have created the REALTOR® Loyalty Program.
You will receive periodic educational information by email, video and mailers. This information is designed to help you not only learn more about our services, but help yourclients more!
We will also thank your with a $25 prepaid Visa card for each referral that results in new business for All-Clear Septic and Septic Preservation Services!
Call All Clear at 508-763-4431 for more information or visit
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