Winter Is Back

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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='30' heading='Winter Is Back' color='' style='blockquote modern-quote' custom_font='' size='35' subheading_active='subheading_below' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] MONDAY | MARCH 13, 2017

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[av_textblock size='15' font_color='' color='' admin_preview_bg=''] We saw many hints of spring lately and the warmer weather had us convinced it was right around the corner, but winter came back this week.  The cold weather and especially the snow is a reminder that winter still has a little punch left.  We will be changing the clocks this weekend, but we still have some more cold, snowy weather to deal with this month before it's officially spring.

Spring will be here soon, and typically in the real estate market this means more homes and a busy season.  This is great for the buyers but if you are selling your home ,right  now is the time to list your home.  Inventory is low and buyers are out looking.  Many are frustrated with the lack of homes on the market.  Winter buyers tend to be more serious and ready to buy. Listing now means less competition and less days on the market.

Clean, declutter, paint if you feel that is necessary, but act quickly and get your home on the market before the spring market hits.  Buyers do not expect the yard to be pristine at this time of year, but make sure the driveway is plowed and the walks are shoveled.  Play up the warm, cozy aspects of the home.  Have a fire burning in the fireplace, and potpourri simmering on the stove.  Use this time of year to your advantage.  Changing the clocks means more daylight hours for showings.

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