Energy Efficient Landscaping Tips

Better Homes and Gardens has some great energy efficient tips for landscaping your yard according to your region of the country.

Sitting under a shade tree on a hot day makes you cooler, and standing by a wall on a cold, windy day makes you feel warmer.  You can landscape your yard to offer your home those same benefits. It just takes a bit of planning in the way you site trees, fences, and other elements.

Some things to consider:

A well-positioned tree can save up to 25 percent of your home's energy for heating and cooling.

A tree-shaded yard can be up to 6 degrees cooler than a sunny yard. A shaded lawn can be up to 25 degrees cooler than sunny pavement.

Shading your home's roof can increase your air conditioner's energy efficiency by more than 10 percent.

A single shade tree equals the cooling power of 15 air conditioners -- and it runs for free!

Three house-shading trees can cut your cooling bill by as much as half.

Windbreaks can cut winter heating bills by 10 to 30 percent.

The Northeast: In most of your region, you want to take advantage of the sun's heat during the winter, so plant deciduous trees on the south- and west-facing sides of your home. This will do double duty: In summer, their leafy canopy will shade your house, helping to keep it cooler. It's also helpful to use a windbreak of trees or large shrubs to the north or northwest side of your home. This block will prevent winter winds from stealing as much of your home's heat.

These are some great tips when you are changing or designing your outdoor space.  Winter is almost here! Now is a great time to design a new outdoor space and implement the design in the coming spring.

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