
Expanding Your Database Daily

dailydatabaseHow do you expand your database of potential clients? First, take another look at all
of the people who provide services to you. Your hair stylist is providing you a service.
Wouldn't it be great if you could do the same for her? Your mechanic is providing you
a service, wouldn't it be great if you could do the same for him?

Even if they are not currently in the market to buy or sell a home, you can still be of service
by becoming their information source on all things real estate related. It…

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Expanding Your Database In The Office

officeWhether it is called floor time, up time or anything else, time spent in your real estate office can be time well spent, but only you can make it that way. Each phone call or walk-in about a listing is an opportunity for you! The key is to be prepared to ask the right questions. The more you can find out about that individual, the better. You have to be comfortable asking questions sincerely so that the person does not feel that you are prying but that you are really trying to help.

Be careful no…

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Expanding Your Database at Open House

openhousedatabaseAnother simple way to add to your database is to create relationships at open houses.
There are many reasons why someone attends an open house. They may be interested
in that particular property, or they may simply be trying to get an idea of the current market
or the neighborhood. Whatever reason brings them there, they are definitely interested in real
estate and you should try to establish a professional relationship with them before they slip away.

Introduce yourself to everyone who walks i…

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Turning Customers Into Contacts

contactsNow that you have been actively increasing your database, it is time to turn those contacts
into customers. Of course, not all of them will become your customer and it is important to
be able to discern those who potentially will in order to maximize your effort. One of the best
way to do this is to rate their level of motivation with a brief personal phone call or drop by
visit. Since you have already sent them a personal note and an item of value about the market,
they know you and are alre…

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Essential Buyer Questions

Ibuyerquestionsf you have been asking yourself, "What are the important questions that I want to ask a potential buyer?" Here is a starting list that you can add to at anytime. You, your office, the area you live in, or the particular buyer are all factors that will generate more questions, so this list will grow.

To let your buyer know that you want to be "tuned in" to them as a person ask them, "What are your biggest fears and concerns about buying a home?" Then listen to their answer for as long as it takes…

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Starting A Seller Relationship

sellerrelationshipThe key to developing a relationship with a seller and possibly getting their listing is preparedness.  If you have been actively courting your leads by providing them with value items and keeping in touch, then they already see you as a potential listing agent for their home.  Now it is time to become their listing agent.

Your listing appointment and presentation will be a success if you are prepared!  There is a good chance that you already know something about the seller, now is the time (befo…

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Essentials For Your Listing Appointment

essentialsYou generated the lead. You have done your homework by finding out as much about the home as you can in your pre-listing interview. You have used your local MLS to find comparable homes in comparable areas. You have developed a marketing plan for this home. You have a listing price that you have complete confidence in and you have all of your talking points lined up as to why this is the price that will get your seller their highest return without leaving the home on the market too long, and it …

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Brand Yourself Now

brandyourselfYour business cards, your website, your Facebook page, everywhere that you plan to have a presence needs to be branded for consistency, clarity and a personal touch. These marketing tools are the first impression that contacts have of you and are just as important as if you were dressed in your best suit, with your best smile and your firmest handshake.

Your brand is more than just your company logo.  It is the words that you want people to think of when thinking of you.  Start by doing some thin…

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Identifying Your Sales Styles

salesstyleYou have your own sales style which is just as unique as you are.  However, you probably fit into one of two types of sales people, either a Motivator or a Facilitator.

Motivators are more verbal.  They are not hesitant to express why they think a purchase is right for a particular buyer, and are able to create a dynamic purchase experience.  They actively "work the deal" until they are successful.  Unfortunately, they can sometimes be perceived as being pushy.

Facilitators are better listeners.  …

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Relationships Rule In Real Estate

relationshipsRelationships are important in most sales professions, but even more so in real estate. First of all, you should never pass up an opportunity to network and get to know the other agents who work in your geographical area.  Whether this is through your local Realtor association activities, office events, or individual one-on-one contact that you initiate, it is essential.

When you are involved in a real estate transaction there is nearly always someone representing the other party, and if that age…

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