
How to Turn your Contacts Into Customers!



With mortgage rates and home prices shifting now is a great time to reconnect with your contacts and turn them into customers!


Not every contact will become a customer, so we've outlined some ways to distinguish motivation levels so you can better utilize your time. A great way to start would be writing a personal note or stopping by for a quick visit. This can be a very brief conversation or note just stating mortgage rates have changed and now is a great time to enter the market. This first c…

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Stay Up To Date on Technology!

DocuSign-Ink copy

Technology is ever changing, as a Realtor you can significantly increase your value and put you a step ahead of the rest. Our buyers are more tech-savvy than every before and you need to make sure you are keeping up with the latest trends.
According to Curt Beardsley, Vice President of Product Marketing for, “Mobile is helping change consumer expectations; smartphones are the backbone of our daily media use and should be the starting point for designing consumer experiences wit…

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Relationships Rule in Real Estate!


As you get busier and settle into your daily real estate routines, you can sometimes
forget to think back to the basics. Go back and take a look at our scorecard, Relationships
Rules in Real Estate. Throughout the busy hustle and bustle of our day, we often forget

how much people enjoy receiving a handwritten thank you note, or catching up with someone

over a cup of coffee. This month I challenge you to get yourself into the habit of writing
personal notes or thank you cards; you can sen…

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Agent Rising Presents Scorecards as way to be in Real Estate GameSCORECARDS ARE A WAY TO STAY IN THE GAME!

Inside this book are numerous 'scorecards' that have information regarding:



iPads (click on colored text, and it will take you there!)



Business and Wellth Essentials....SO MUCH MORE!

The scorecards are sized to travel with your iPad, sturdy enough to lean against your computer, and short enough to absorb all in one sitting!

The information is available online under the 'Scorecard' tab.

The book is free if you have created a Premiu…

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Relationships Rule in Real Estate

Please take a look at these TIPS for Networking and building relationships!
Relationships are important in most sales professions, but even more so in real estate. Never pass up an opportunity to network and get to know the other agents.  Whether this is through your local Realtor association activities, office events, or individual one-on-one contact that you initiate, it is essential.  When you are involved in a real estate transaction there is nearly always someo…

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Score BIG with Scorecards

Agent Rising ScorecardsOK... you have been receiving or reviewing our scorecards and may be wondering

why we chose this as our method of communicating with you. Why scorecards?

We want to deliver a message~ quickly, succinctly and in one sitting!

Scorecards are brief and to the point.

We want you to be able to reference them by category or topic.

Scorecards are categorized for you; i.e. iPad training, Sales Training, etc.

We want you to have a hard copy and also be able to easily access them

from your iPhone or tablet. Quick…

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Expanding Your Database in the Office

technology agent rising online training for realtorsExpanding your database should be an "all the time" activity. You should be working on growing it all the time!Whether it is called floor time, up time or anything else, time spent in your real estate office can be time well spent, but only you can make it that way. Each phone call or walk-in about a listing is an opportunity for you! The key is to be prepared to ask the right questions. The more you can find out about that individual, the better. You have to be comfortable asking questions sinc…

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Kate Lanagan MacGregor speaks of Agent Rising

Please watch Agent Rising Video to learn of our mission:


We want you to be the best, most up to date Real Estate Professional possible.

Learning entails:
  • Sales
  • Technology
  • Results
  • Time Management
  • IPad Training
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Niche/Specialization
  • Website Marketing.
Rise with US!

Use your sidebar to sign up NOW!


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Develop a Taste for Technology

tech gadgetsEven new agents can find themselves with not enough time on their hands to do everything that needs to be done. In their case it isn't because they have so many clients, it's because they are doing everything themselves, step by step. This is where technology comes in and can actually become your unpaid assistant - although there may be some cost involved. For Realtors, earning the ePro designation is a great way to get you up to speed. But, everyone can learn if they start slowly with the basic…

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How to get more fans on your Facebook Page

 Agent Rising~Online Real Estate TrainingWhy do you want as many fans as possible?
- More fans=more traffic to your website
- Social proof- the more likes you have, the more likely people are going to like your page
- Viral visibility- The more your fans engage the more their friends see your page in the news feeds
-Link your page to your profile
-Add a like box to your website
     - Allows people who are already interested in your business to become facebook fans
     - Go to to quic…

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