Motivational Scorecards

Tips for Managing Your Time in Real Estate

Picture26There are many tips for managing your time in real estate. Real estate agents spend a lot of time on support activities which include: prospecting, lead follow-up, taking listings and making sales. You can't avoid these activities which support your career but you can try to handle them more efficiently and with less time.

One helpful tip is to try to chunk the time. MLS searches, filing, faxing, copying and clouding are some tasks you can try to do in one session at a certain day of the we…

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Google + is the Way to Go!

googleAs a real estate agent, we know that marketing is a big part of the business.  How can you sell a house if no one sees it.  This is where social media marketing comes in .  Most consumers start their search online and you want them to find you.  A good  website that you blog on regularly is a crucial part of your success as an agent, but where do you share your posts?  Google +, Facebook, Pinterest , Twitter are all great  and you can post on all, but Google + should definitely be your first sto…

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Neighborhood Real Estate Agent!

chinupWhat are consumers really looking for in a real estate agent?  Of course they'd like you to sell their home for them in a timely manner or help them buy a new house, but they can look up houses on their own on the internet. What else are they looking for?

Real Estate Agents still have the local market knowledge and expertise they are looking for.  It is one of our competitive edges in this day and age.  There are a lot of statistics and facts on the local real estate sites, but not always accurat…

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Juggling Your Real Estate Career and Family Life

Agent Rising BlogJuggling your real estate career and your family time can be tricky but definitely worth it.  There are many ways to accomplish this.

Make family time an appointment.  When you have an important family event simply treat it as an appointment and tell clients you are booked at that time.  Give them another time to meet.  Most will understand.

At the beginning of  the year, plan your vacation  and pre- book family time and stay committed to it.

Have a friend in the office that can help you out when y…

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Body Language and Communication

Agent Rising



 What signals are you sending to others about yourself, and what emotional feedback are you giving others in response to the signals they are sending you.

More than Half!

Body language accounts for more than half of what other people respond to and make assumptions about when connecting with you.


Body language can be loosely broken into 2 kinds of signals: open and closed.

 Open exposes the heart and is welcoming.

Closed defends the heart…

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Give Without Expectation!

Is this a good business strategy?

While there are consumers who hire agents strictly based on their numbers, the majority want to respect and like their agent as well.

Whether you have always been a giving person by nature, or you want to become one as part of the new personal and professional you, go for it!  Think about it.  When you go to hire any type of professional, your first step is to think about whether there is anyone that you know personally and, perhaps admire a little, who could do …

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Start Your Career In Real Estate!

You have chosen to be a real estate professional. This is a career, not a job. You will be successful in this career if you invest in yourself - your time, your energy, your focus and your money.

Your Time - the next three months are critical but a long term business perspective will bring you the most success - time spent now on lead generation will come back to you many times over in the future.

Your Energy - you need to believe in you and practice that belief every day. Take a look from the ou…

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Put Your Best Foot Foward

It is very important to be your best cheerleader! People won't know about your accomplishments unless you tell them! When you begin working at the office you chose, achieve any designations or acknowledgements, you should let the world know!

First you need an effective biography - here are some tips: The purpose of “telling your story” is to provide the viewer or reader with your “nugget of strategic distinction”. What makes you special? Why should they select you? Every time you make a statemen…

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Keeping Your Chin Up!

You won't get them all.  So, when you don't get that listing or that client (and it happens to everyone), what do you do?  Since YOU are in this business for the long haul, it is important that you follow a few simple steps to turn a loss into a learning experience.

Please remember that you are in this industry to serve people, and you want to fit the people you are working with. When you are presenting yourself and what you have to offer, and you don't receive their business, examine if you fit

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A+ In Attitude

Your attitude is the first thing people pick up on in face-to-face communication. Your attitude drives your behavior and how others respond to you. Before you say a word, your attitude has already sent a message.

Would you rather be around someone, and give them your business, who is welcoming, warm, enthusiastic and supportive, or someone who is sarcastic, impatient, pessimistic and rude?

Your mind and your body are one system, change one, and the other will follow. Your attitude at the start o…

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