Frequently asked questions and answers
How do I access the new REACH Independent Training Course?
How much is the course?
$50 per month! When you are finished, simply email us to let us know and we will cancel your subscription. You may want to keep and and move on to other programs as well.
What materials will I need?
Please click HERE for a list of student materials that may help you with the course.
You may purchase optional materials are sold separately for approximately $86 plus shipping for books if ordered through Dearborn. We have them in the Mattapoisett office for $65.
I just signed up for your class. When do I start?
NOW! There are revolving admissions, which means we all learn together!
I just joined the course and the live zoom classes are in the middle. Do I have to wait and start at PSI 1?
NO! Absolutely NOT! The PSI Outline that we follow is not synchronous, so you can join at any time. This is active learning, where you hear your fellow students and instructors share stories and insight! You are ALWAYS able to access the Lives zooms, so come quickly, come often! You can even come after you take the exam!
How long does it take to complete the course?
The Salesperson and Broker course are 40 hours. With our online course, you can go at your own speed. We do recommend that you don’t take longer than 8 weeks to complete to keep all the information fresh in your mind. There is an approximately 30 business day turnaround at this time with PSI, the test center.We are currently offering RISE Agent Training for FREE as a bonus to keep you learning!
Where do I get the Syllabus and Tracker?
What are the steps after I pay?
When you submit your payment you will receive an email from Agent Rising. BOOK your one on one visit with a trainer to help guide you through! Even though we are online, we very much want to be part of your success story!
My computer is not asking for a login. Am I getting credit?
Yes, your progress is being ‘tracked’! Your computer has ‘cookies’, which may be set in your settings to remember passwords, so you cruise right in! Our program tracks every second you are on, and how long you spend on each slide.
What's the difference between MA and NA?
The General part of the exam is in the Dearborn yellow book. They call their segments Units, so on your showcase, you see a yellow corner, and it reflects the Unit number identified in the book. We also identify them as NA., for National. The State Portion is in your Dearborn red book. We call these segments MA, so on your showcase, you see a red corner, and it reflects the Unit number identified in the book.
I don't know what QBank is or how to get there?
Quiz Bank is a tool provided by Dearborn, the author of the books you use. One of the first showcases is on how to start the quiz bank. This is a phenomenal tool, so don’t overlook it! They have updated their look since the video, so adjust accordingly! QUIZBANK
I can't remember my password!
Passwords are so stressful, aren't they?! You have a password you select for QUIZBANK and your independent hours. So we do not have access to those!
What can I access through my iPhone?
You can access everything from your phone! We recommend you immerse yourself in the program, so engage as much as you can!
What is the ScholarSHARE program?
Every month Agent Rising will be giving away one online course for free. Tell us your story and let us know what you hope you will get from the Agent Rising course. The recipients will SHARE their story and progress with us all on Facebook SOAR Group.
Where is the glossary for the online course?
The glossary for the online course it the glossary in the back of your Dearborn textbook. Here are FLASHCARDS for you as well! A slide deck is provided at the bottom of the page under “Real Estate Course”.
I am taking the Broker Course. What additional coursework do I have
We have special Broker Content for you on your BROKER PAGE We are constantly adding value to enhance your business readiness as well. Don't forget for this limited time, we are offering RISE Agent Training for free!
Where can I get a link for the quiz bank?
When the 40 hours are completed must I have them stamped by you in person?
As you complete each part of the program, you should record on your tracker. These are for you to keep and track your progress. We can also see on our back end your progress. The candidate book that you submit to the testing center does have to be completed and this is what we stamp. No need for you to come here we can send it to you via email.
Where is the calendar for the LIVE sessions?
Top right on the websitewww.agentrising.com CALENDAR You can also access under LIVE webinars. We are live at 508-728-3648 Monday- Friday from 7-7 to answer your questions. You can watch and learn whenever you can.
Can I accelerate my LIVE hours?What if I can't attend your LIVE hours?
We understand that everyone has different schedules. When you need additional LIVE hours, click to the LIVE zoom replays below and follow instructions listed out. We can usually accommodate Independent Live hours, where you watchLIVE ZOOM REPLAYS. It is proctored, and we are 'there' with you on standby. Follow the guidelines to ensure your hours count!
I hear there is a delay in getting approved to get a test date. Can you stamp my certificate early so I can start the process?
When we stamp your certificate, it is certifying that you have completed 40 hours. We cannot stamp it early, but will make every effort to fast track your hours. You can download the most updated Candidate Information BulletinHERE!
I am so nervous about MATH! What do you recommend I do?
Many people fear math! We get that a lot! Remember, there are only 8-10 Math involved questions on the exam, so even if you get them ALL wrong, you can pass your exam. HERE is the Math One Sheet, with all of the formulas! Memorize these just as you would your vocab words! HEREis our link for the basic math as well!
My license is inactive! How do I go about reactivating it?
Welcome back! The first step is to satisfy your CONTINUING EDUCATION. Once that is done, you send in THIS FORM
My License is EXPIRED! What steps do I need to practice again?
First step is satisfying the CONTINUING EDUCATION requirement. Next, you complete and send inTHIS FORM.
Where can I find the Candidate Information Bulletin by PSI?
HERE YOU GO! This bulletin walks you through the whole process and serves as your outline and certificate when completed.
The calendar does not click through to your calendar
On some computers, it redirects back to your own calendar. We do not know why, and believe it may be a setting in google. If this happens, click on this link. Our zoom linkstays the same for all classes.