Put Your Best Foot Foward

It is very important to be your best cheerleader! People won't know about your accomplishments unless you tell them! When you begin working at the office you chose, achieve any designations or acknowledgements, you should let the world know!

First you need an effective biography - here are some tips: The purpose of “telling your story” is to provide the viewer or reader with your “nugget of strategic distinction”. What makes you special? Why should they select you? Every time you make a statement, imagine that there is someone yelling “so?...” “Why should I care?”... Prepare your information to satisfy that voice. You want to grab them with your purpose statement right off and then keep them interested. Let them know your education, experience, passion, and results. Share your personal information with them, so they can make some kind of connection, (i.e...”She rescues animals? I love animals!”) Keep it about a page long. Utilize search engine optimizing words as you will be putting this on your website as well.

Second you need a press release
100 key word rich words to introduce yourself or your achievement. People won’t read longer. Finish with a call to action!
Tips for your impact statement:
I am passionate about_____________________________________.
I am different because_____________________________________.
You want to work with me because__________________________.
My niche is_____________________________________________.
I developed it because____________________________________.


Prepare your own biography - remember this is different from a resume, Use the tips above and when you are done read it out loud to yourself and to someone else. Does it make you stand out? Would you hire you?

Prepare your first press release - if you have just started, it can be an announcement about joining the office you chose. If you have been around awhile, it can be about something great you have just accomplished. Make yourself known!



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